Log 32.

Date 9/10/09
Distance 16.6 miles(351)
Top Speed 9.9mph
Ave Speed 5.4mph
Wind Dir NNE - ENE
Wind Speed 20mph
Gust speed 35 kn
Temp 15.4 deg C
Helm Me
Crew None
Had expected to get a higher top speed with more wind and was expecting to get it out in Poole Bay. I would have the outward trip close hauled and the return on a quarter to broad reach.

Seems I had the kickstrap and outhaul too tight and should have loosened them to allow the leech to open up. and should have also raked back the mast.

It was a really exhilarating trip, although frustrating where the wind kept heeling the boat over and I couldnt seem to work out how to stop it.