Log 30

Date 2/10/09
Distance 18 miles(320)
Top Speed 11.1mph
Ave Speed 5.8 mph
Wind Dir NW
Wind Speed 7mph
Gust speed 8 mph
Temp 12.7 deg C
Helm Me
Crew No Crew
Dropped the kids off at school then launched at Baiter. New front sheet cam cleat positions work much better and dont let go as often.

Sorted out why the tell tales reverse so often and moved the fairleads up.

Sailed out until I was in line with Bournemouth Pier. Sailed back and had lunch on South Brownsea and then returned to Baiter.

On return the wind picked up and was coming over rear quarter Speed reached 11.1 mph!

Amazing trip. I sealed the bailers with silicone - no major leaks.