
Date 23/8/09
Distance 12 miles (279)
Wind Dir SW
Wind Speed 15 - 0.5 mph
Gust speed  
Temp 20 deg c
Helm Me
Crew Rick Ed
Left Baiter 3.15.

Sailed to Arne Peninsular and anchored for lunch. Tide was in.

Let kids wander along the beach towards Giggers Island while I followed with the boat.

Was tacking as sailing against the wind. Tide turned and I stopped making headway.

Yelled at kids to come back. Couldnt hear me against the wind.

Couldnt land and chase them on foot due to the mud banks exposed as the tide went out.

Struggling with front cleats releasing and top pinion came loose on rudder stock.

Kids eventually returned at 7.15

Tide had turned again and was against us while the wind had almost stopped.

Set spinnaker to try to get back to Baiter. Making less than 1 mph against tide.

Sunset happened. Had no lights.

Offered a tow back by a motorboat.

He couldnt go to Baiter as it was very dark and he didnt know where the sand bars were.

Dropped us near Brownsea.

We paddled against the tide again back to Baiter arriving 9.45


11.30 arrived home.