
Date 12/08/09
Distance 14 miles (267)
Wind Dir NW - SW
Wind Speed 7 - 19 mph
Gust speed  
Temp 29 deg
Helm Me
Crew Ed Rick
Met Julian on an Enterprise at Baiter.

Raced to South Brownsea to meet Rick from Harbour Challenge.

Discovered our boat is considerably faster than the Enterprise and can point some 10 degs closer to the wind.

Found he can tack and gybe better than us as we were losing 4 or 5 boat lengths each turn then romping back on the straights

Went too close to a parked boat and nearly capsized as it took our wind and tea bagged Ed and left Rick and I scrabbling across the boat to keep it up. Mast tip almost hit a woman on the deck of the yacht. Julian said she actually had to duck as our mast was within 4 inches of the top rail.

Really good trip