Log 25

Date 31/7/09
Distance 17 miles (253)
Wind Dir E
Wind Speed 7 - 9 mph
Gust speed  
Temp 19 deg C
Helm Me Rick
Crew Ed
First trip since rebuild on forestay support. Tension in rig stayed constant.

Front sail tell tales flying much better. Could have been from improved rig tension or from better pointing.

Actually used a compass to set direction and found I was tacking from 192deg to 120. Looks like I was sailing too close to the wind. Was told, had to see for myself.

Flew Spinnaker. Struggled to fix pole as I had it on backwards. Realised what was wrong when we got back.

A wayfarer went past in other direction. Thought it was friends of Ricks. Took us 400 yards to turn and catch it. Turned out to be someone else.

Overhauled another Wayfarer and a Mirror and two other boats that were racing. They had a symbol AL on the sail.

Did all this with just two sails up. Fast boat this.

Floated it straight onto trailer. Jockey wheel fell off trailer as we secured it to the car. Didnt cause a problem.

All arrived home happy.