
Date 4/7/09
Distance 16 miles (236)
Wind Dir NE
Wind Speed 15 to 20mph
Gust speed  

 Choppy + gusty. Was supposed to be 9mph.

Problems setting up. Genoa flying from top of mast like a flag, ropes badly tangled,

Launched from baiter.

Close encounter with little ferry,

Struggled with fairleads, Mast wasnt quite on step, it dropped 1/2 an inch with a crash and left the rig slack. couldnt get it tight. Frightened in case fairlead was giving up. Was hoping to meet up on South Brownsea. Was at least half an hour late. Picniced then sailed back.

Front wheel snapped off trailer. Had to carry it into sea to get boat. Pushed it in a bit too far. Boat was loaded tipped on cradle. Pulled boat out - still half full of water from leaky bailer, lifted it to get point of cradle out from under chine? front end slipped and bobbin went through hull. 12"  x 6" hole just inside front compartment 1" from keel. Mast raiser slipped and nearly put mast through bulkhead again.

Bad day.